Organization & Committees


The Association is governed by our Constitution and By-Laws which calls for a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a maximum of 16 Board Members. All the committees below largely assist the board in making policy and awarding grants. All Standing Committee meetings can be attended by anyone, although only  participating Directors have voting rights.

NOTE: There are no set dates for committee meetings and they are held as needed to conduct foundation business. 

Executive Committees

The Executive committees are dictated by our Constitution and Bylaws and include:


that deals mostly with the larger issues of the Foundation, and consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one “at large” director


directors are nominated by the President to secure nominees for the Board and Directors and Officers for the Formal Annual Election Meeting


consists of Past Presidents who rotate as chairmen to help manage the Association’s finances and investments

Standing Committees

Our past success has always been based almost entirely through the efforts of past dedicated administrations, directors and other individuals working primarily through the organization’s active committees to involve us in various wildlife-oriented projects and issues, and also through our numerous social interactions and outings into Utah's great out-of-doors. Our standing committees are divided into two categories: Administrative to deal with more formal issues, and Consumptive and Environmental to cover the wide diversity of projects, issues, programs.


Strategic Planning & Sustainability

Long term planning 

Buildings and Grounds 

maintenance and wildlife projects on our own Murray property

Archives and History

maintenance of all historical records, publications, photos, etc.

Media and Outreach

promotion and participation in all of the organization’s goals

Grants & Fundraising

evaluation and proposal of those who qualify for own small annual grants and fundraising

Consumptive and Environmental

Fishing and Boating Sports

promotion of sport and food fishing and boating in Utah

Hunting and Shooting Sports

promotion of hunting for food and shooting in Utah

Conservation and Habitat Restoration

promotion of diverse, healthy wildlife habitats in Utah

Nongame and Endangered Species

preservation of all native Utah species in Utah

Public Lands and Access

promotion of the use and access to public lands

The Association is governed by our Constitution and By-Laws which calls for a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a maximum of 16 Board Members.

NOTE: All the committees above largely assist the board in making policy and awarding grants, and the Standing Committee meetings can be attended by anyone, although only participating Directors have any voting rights.

Current Officers

  • Dale Majors, President
  • Jeff Brunner, Vice President
  • Cliff Forney, Treasurer
  • Karen Potts, Secretary
  • Brock Richardson, at large

Current Board of Directors

  • Dan Potts
  • Dave Fernelius
  • Fred Wagner
  • Jake Larsen
  • Jeff  Salt
  • Paul Asay
  • Steve Peterson